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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Beef?? ……Nikki Mbishi & One Incredible VS Weusi?

Few days ago there have been rumors of beef on several social networks and websites, to what seems to be a beef which have been in underground for long time and now finally the beef is on.
In recent interviews both Weusi and Nikki Mbishi and the Partner One the Incredible responded to what Weusi was doing behind the curtains.
In a response to what he called jumping to something doesn’t concern you ONE the Incredible said all he said about Bonta in one of his lines is his personal view on Bonta lyrical write up in his Track Nauza Kura  where Bonta was talking about Selling Voters ID to politicians, One Said “I don’t think if that track has conscious idea,” and called that as bad idea due to the fact that as public figure your opinion matter to the people who are listening.
He added that he expected a response from Bonta himself and not the whole crew including Joh Makini to jump into this.
One The Incredible

When he was asked when was his last time talking to any member of the crew(weusi)?
One the incredible said “just one day after killimanjaro music award summit, I had a conversation with Joh Makini and Lord Eyes”
What was the content of your conversion?
One Replied ”Just normal conversation talking abt rap game, industry challenges, how we conscious rappers should be and there were no indication that these people hate me or they beefing or any sign, and we had a conversation more than one hour and the coming day Joh Gave me a call asking if I have arrived home safely, which I appreciated”
He confessed that in one of his tracks he mentioned Bonta but he Is wondering how come Joh Makini getting into this, of all the people I expected a response from Bonta, “the bad thing is they don’t tell me, all I hear is them talking in media, social nets and streets”
ONE claimed that NIKKI wa pilli send the message to One the incredible via NiKKI Mbishi and Nikk Mbishi Sent the Message to ONE, the content of msg was all about the beef, when One was asked why didn’t he call Nikki wa Pili and solve the problem this was the response,
“I don’t have a NiKKI wa Pili`s  Number, we never talk and I failed to check him on phone because I had I reference from way back after NIKKI wa pili refused to do a song with Stereo with a reason that I dissed Bonta and Nikki Cant do a Song with Stereo because stereo is my Friend”
It’s like NikkI wa Pilli wanted this for Long time but I was wise and quite to let things sort themselves, but now I can’t take it anymore he just crossed the boundary.
“I don’t have a beef and I don’t have a time for that, so if I did not talk about you don’t talk about me” said ONE the incredible who have his Band New track Young, Gifted and Black enjoying the air play and downloads on net.
What is the View of One Incredible to the Crew,  “It’s obvious that I don’t appreciate Weusi, it is not Disrespect, it is the answer I would give you if u ask me as a fan, am not their fan…… you see I have a respect to them as the group which successfully and have reputation basing on what they are doing, so that’s the big respect I have for them, but am not a Fan  ”
My Question is are weusi trying to beef One the Incredible, or One Trying to beef Weusi??
From Facebook: Social Network ONE the Incredible Said
“I would like to be understood ... I have no beef I have no time and beef. I CAN Disrespect WEUSI….. BUT I WONT DO THAT    PEACE”

Nikki  Mbishi

“When I say Bonta is not conscious I mean I respect what he is doing, good content but presentation of the message to the public is the problem, in one world I can say BONTA is WACK MCEE, and when I say that I mean he don’t know how to rap and that’s it” Nikki Added that Bonta don’t know how to rap what he is doing is talking and sometimes he get good beats to talk onto. I think this is the time we should tell them the truth.

In one of NIKKI MBIShi line he said “I don’t want to listen to conscious coz the game is conquered na kama ukitaja conscious please usimweke Bonta” if this line was not bad for him (Bonta) was supposed to come to me as a fellow mc for explanation, that was just a challenge.
But why this talks NiKKI?
OooooooOOOOH, It all started when NIKII was Preforming at Dar Live “during my show at Dar Live when I was performing I called FiD Q to come on stage something which he did, they started snitching that fid Q is entertaining undergrounds, am I underground? oh yea am underground but am better than you  ” that’s why even Kalapina Smashed your ass off at maisha club added NIKKI MBIShi who is now pushing his Album SAUTI YA JOGOO.

Unfortunately there is no Response from WEUSI

This is the track by Nikki Mbishi, One the Incredible and Stereo featuring FidQ- Classic


  1. Yo DEO, to be open like duka la dawa;i am with Nikki and One the Incredible.Bonta is not only unconscious but also unskilled rapper.He love to sound like conscious but he has not reached there. MCHAMBUZI...KILLAH M.
